Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Christmas Wishes

If I had three Christmas wishes
My first wish one that poor people
Had all they needed.

If I had three Christmas wishes
My second would be
That people had houses.

If I had three Christmas wishes
My third wish would be
That people had food.

If I had three Christmas wishes
My first wish would be
that there wouldn’t be any poor children at school
(I’d give them one of my toys
If I had one in my hand!)

If I had three Christmas wishes
My second would be for
An saving any animal from getting hurt in the wild.

If I had three Christmas wishes
My third wish would be
That taking care of anybody who is too warm or too cold.
I’d give them jumpers or ice if they were hot.

I really hope my wished come true- Olivia Long

If I had three Christmas wishes
My first wish would be
for no homeless people

If I had three Christmas wishes
My second would be for
no diseases

If I had three Christmas wishes
My third wish would be
That we look after all living animals and plants
Make these wishes come true.


If I had three Christmas wishes
My first wish would be
everyone could care for their pets

If I had three Christmas wishes
My second would be for
end of disease and accidents

If I had three Christmas wishes
My third wish would be
That we had a clean sea and
No war on the land


If Santa got sick, Mrs Claus and the elves would fly over the whole world.
It would make me sleigh sick because she is pretty bad at flying and that would be no fun at all.
But even if Santa couldn’t make it at least Mrs Claus could.
Olivia Long

10 things we don’t want for Christmas
1)    Barbies  2) Baby toys   3) girl lego 4) dolls a doll house 5) ballerina  6) a bull in your backyard 7) rotten bananas 8) a rock 9) an egg 10) and if I am a girl I might want girl lego or dolls with doll houses but only ones that I want.

5 reasons not to live at the North Pole:
Suffocate in snow, avalanche in the snow, Blizzard in the snow, reindeers not flying and elves not helping.


Sunday, December 13, 2015

Caleb and his enormous sunflower that is about to burst into flower bud.
Well done Caleb! 

Some of the other children have grown there's on well too.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

More on the Makete Kai

More on the Makete

On Friday the 27 of November it was the Makete Kai day.

I raced down stairs, put on my clothes and got ready for school. Once we were ready for the Makete Kai Robbie, mum, and I walked school. When we got to school I raced to class.
But the class wasn't there. Where was the class?
They were all outside getting ready for the Makete Kai.
Yay! I smelt all the interesting smells there were at the Makete Kai. I ate a lot of things, but the last thing I ate was the Hangi.
It was delicious!

I heard everybody was chatting and talking, It was like I couldn't hear anything at all. I also heard lots of people buying food and selling soft toys. I bought a lot of stuff, l like food and other stuff like that. I felt so very spoilt.

         By Olivia L

Makete Kai Report
Last Friday our   school had a Makete Kai. We sold all sorts of things and some food was home made. We saw stalls everywhere. They sold drinks and food and stuff. The year 7 and 8s had such awesome stuff! The stalls sold different things like plants and soap and food.
The weather was sunny after it looked like rain. The afternoon was warm and after a cold morning.
They had games like splat the rat and mini golf. The games were fun to do.

I was on the game Hit the Target. We had to work really fast. Some people kept coming back for another turn. We let them have another turn. The looks on people’s faces were happy. The bean bags from Hunter’s and my stall were going everywhere, even thrown over the goal post.
Some people were going crazy for another turn. People were waiting in a line waiting to have a turn.

Hunter said “Wait here until I get back!”
 “But why?” I asked.
“Because I am going to get something. “
I said “Ok! come back in one second.”
“ok!” he said “Give me 2 minutes!” ok I said ok.
Hunter ran down to the courts leaving me by myself.

Then Mrs King came up and said   “Kyan and Aston’s turn now.”  I walked to the courts and got a hot dog  a drink and some plants I ran to my mum and gave her the  plants she took them home for me  because I had a lot  of things.

 It was hard to look around and look after the stall but we figured it out at the end. 
I walked around for a bit then went back to the stall and there was a line of people waiting to have a turn.
The things that I got were plushys, girlguide biscuits, and a hotdog. I saw Hunter, Casey, Riley and Nixon. People were sitting on the seats waiting for people to come to their stalls.

I smelt smoke from the hangi that people had. The hangi cooked and cooked until after lunch there was a huge line on the field behind the hangi .People were walking back with their hangi me and Hunter saw my mum and brothers. The hangi was in a hole on the field.
The hangi had lots of yummy bits like meat carrots and potatoes. Some of the food was hard to chew and some wasn’t.  It was  a yummy hangi . Oliva Long, Casey, Braiden, Mrs Bullen ate it in class. The hangi was put in a little tray. Some of the hangi was hot. Some was warm.

Me and Hunter  helped pack up the thing that we used for our stall  we put it back under Hunters bag then went and got the table .
We saw older boys throwing the targets around. We went and picked them up and took them back to Room 5. We saw some on the ground we picked them up then and put it in the bag underneath Hunter’s bag.  We looked around and saw everyone playing like when it’s a normal lunch time. So we played until the bell rang.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 
 The market day was awesome!  
By Tremaine Quinn

                                MAKETE KAI
  Yay!  It’s   finally the   makete kai.
I can’t   wait to sell my fudge with my mum. After I brushed my teeth and got in my school uniform then mum and I went to school. Mrs Bullen called the roll.
Mum helped  set up my stall as I went to ask Mrs NanKeville if  I could help my mum set up my stall instead of  organising the mini maps . Mrs Nanceville said “ýes that’s fine.”
I was very excited I felt I could scream but I won’ because I would get told off by Mrs Bullen and my mum .
Finally it was time for the MAKETE KAI  to start.
Woohoo! My fudge sold out in about seven minutes.
Then mum had to work in the hall because Mrs Winters needed help with the food selling because she was the only one doing it.

I got a friendship bracelet and a lucky dip. I had lots of fun.

Monday, November 30, 2015

Makete Kai Thank you from Lucas Year 2

Makete Kai
What was I doing for the Makete Kai?
I was a host for the Makete Kai. I made sure the day ran smoothly. I loved the Makete.
The weather
It was a bright, sunny day and there were no clouds in the sky. The sun was shining and air was fresh and clear.
The Hangi
The hangi is steaming hot and very smelly, but yummy. A hangi is a traditional way of cooking food. A hangi is cooked in a pit; I should say a deep, wide pit or a deep, wide hot pit.
The Makete Kai
After days of organisation, the day finally arrived. The tables and stalls were set up for the market. Everyone was excited for the bell to ring.
At last, it rang and everyone and everyone at Beachlands was starting to pour in so they could get the best products.
The day was running very smoothly.
The vendors
The vendors worked really well so they could sell all their products they had bought along to the market to sell. The fudge sold out so the vendors could help to feed hungry animals over the Christmas season and New Year.
The strawberries the Playcentre sold were helping to buy more activities for the children to play with and enjoy them. The Makete Kai was a treasure for Beachlands school.
The finishing sentence
The Makete Kai was over and we helped put everything in its normal place. We took the flags away and took the bunting flags down. Lots of people went home and lots of people stayed at school.  The Year 2 and 3 worked hard at organizing this wonderful day for us. The year 7 and 8s worked hard to get the hangi here at Beachlands school.
Thank you to everyone who gave up their time to support the Makete kai at Beachlands school.

From Lucas Reid, Room 11 

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Yay! The Makete Kai - What a Neat Day

A Fantastic Day for the Makete Kai!

You kids were so amazing and just worked so incredibly well together. I couldn't get over how you all just looked after your stalls so well and were so committed. Thank you one and all! 

Our stall made $176.50 cents. The fudge alone made $80 which Marika has suggests goes to feed hungry pets over Xmas. The year 7 and 8 technology stalls did the best ever as well. The hangi was so wonderful and really delicious.

                                   Just a highly successful day altogether!

     I am sorry I didn't get a picture of Hunter and co  either as they worked so hard on games.                                                                       

Monday, November 23, 2015

Tremaine, OliviaL, Deaglan and Nixon.

11 steps to make a good hangi.

1.   First step- dig a hole 2 metres deep and two metres wide.
2.   Step 2. Put in carrots, potatoes, kumera into wire trays.
3.Fill the hole with wood and volcanic stones.
4.Light the fire. Remove embers and unburnt wood when the stones and steel are red hot.
5. Have veg ready to go in silver wire baskets. Chicken wire is good.
6. Put meat under the veg because it takes longer to cook.
7. The cooking is steaming from the hot rocks on the layers of food which are covered by wet, clean cotton cloths so no dirt gets on the food.
8. Wait 2-3 hours.
9. Take out food.
10. Put it on plates.
11. Serve it.
By Tremaine.

Magic Shoes
My magic shoes would be blue and white with rockets underneath.
They shoot sweets from the toes. They are strong and glow in the dark. MY SHOES WOULD TAKE ME TO CANDYLAND AND FUN WORLD.
If I was stuck in quicksand they would fly me out. If monsters came to fight me the shoes turn into massive steel suit so I can fight the monsters.
Rocket booster, candy shooting shoes are fun.

Snazzy shoes
These shoes are very fast. They can take me all over the world. They are made of lightening. They go up to my knees. I can run over the shining water of the ocean. I can zoom to Australia to get fish and chips in only one second.
If I run up a mountain and get to the top, I will fly up into space. My rocket shoes take me to the moon. I will run as fast as I can but will always want to get back home. Deaglan.

The Garage Sale
About two days ago my Great Grandma had a garage sale.
At the sale everybody could put in their stuff that they didn’t want any more.
The clothes had a sign. The sign said half price for clothing.
I bought red and white Christmas socks and black and white socks with a black bow. They were only $2.00 altogether. Can you believe that?
At the garage sale it was fun to be with Nana and Great Grandma. A lot of things got sold.
Do you want me to tell you something hilarious? The craziest thing sold was a fold up fire engine.
Olivia Long.

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Ants, Tuis, Be awesome writing: Braiden, Kurtis, Madisyn, Marika, Hunter, Jackson

Tiny ants.
Did you know that ants are sometimes  black or red ?
Ants can carry 20 times the weight of their own body. Ants don’t have ears but they have eyes but they can’t see well. Antennae help the ant see well and smell well. Ants live in an ant hill, under concrete, or bricks or under rocks. Ants have not one tummy but two tummies. One for the ant and the other for the colony so other ants can eat.
There are more than 12,000 species.

Ants are scattered across the earth. There are more than 12,000 ant species. Wow!
Ants can live up to 20 years old. Ants can lift 20 times their own size. If an ant were a kid you would be able to lift a car. How overpowered is that? Anyway on to the queen ant. The queen can live for years and have millions of babies.
Ants have two stomachs- one for the ant and one for the rest of the ants. Howw grosse. Ants have no lungs. What? How are they going to breathe? They breathe through holes.
Ants are very interesting.

Our Native bird is the tui.
The tui is a beautiful blue bird. The size is a medium sized bird. It lives in islands, towns, forests. They sometimes eat insects, flax and pollen from flowers.
Tuis are our personal bird, only in NZ. It belongs to the honey eater family. The tui has a beautiful fluffy chest.
The tui sings a sweet song and you can sometimes see tuis in your backyard.

Tuis are special birds because they live only in NZ.
The predators of tuis are cats, stoats, possums, rats and ferrets. Tuis look beautiful. Tuis have white under their faces. The tui is mainly black and blue but it does have a little bit of green. Only the female makes the nest and lays the eggs.
Tuis are useful because they pollinate the flowers.

Make the world awesome
Be respectful to people so they treat you back that way. Don’t bully people. That won’t make you feel good. Make people happy every day. Be kind to people. Be great even if you don’t like something. It is kind to the person who bought it for you. Sometimes you don’t get what you want but that is ok.
And most importantly be yourself and be the best you can be. give out free hi fives to make people happy.

Tuis are one of our native birds. They have got a white bobble under their chins- that’s strange. If you have a cat you might have to put a bel on it because it is a threat to the tuis. They are black and green and blueish. They can only be found in NZ.
They sing very nice and they are one of my favourite birds.

Tuis are birds that look spectacular. Their clour is beautiful blue, black. Tuis are found on our islands and forests in NZ. They are the size of a blackbird. They have two lumps that make a weird sound. Tuis fly around our towns. Their predators are possums, cats, rats, ferrets and also stoats.  
Tuis are beautiful birds and makes a beautiful song.

Tuis are native to NZ. They eat nectar from the kowhai tree. They only live in NZ. They are attacked by stoats, cats, rats, ferrets, possums. They are unique because they are black with a little white blob under their chin. The live in NZ bush and walking tracks. It’s a bit weird as they are like a bee but they stick their face into a flower and get pollen stuck on their fluffy bit and drop it onto another flower.


Make the world awesome
“Be the best. It’s good for you. You are as great as others. Be awesome and oh, Hi 5. How do I explain this? Oh yes! It is like hitting friends and at the same time you friend hits you.”
You can do anything if you believe. Like the saying, “I believe I can fly” though I know it is not true.
Spread love. It is good for everyone. So love. Start by one then spread love to another. Then that spreads all around the world and that makes thousands of awesome people.
Every day is a different day and a new start.

Make the world awesome. Be the best you can be. Be kind to others. Treat others like it is your birthday. Sometimes you don’t get what you want in life. Give Hi 5s. We can make the world a better place.

You can change the world
Be kind, not mean because it is not being the best you see. Be friends give them a hi 5. Hi 5ing is like giving them a slap of friendship. Change the world by being kind. be the best. Don’t be a bully to a bully. Change the world. Make the world the best, most exciting world ever.
