Saturday, September 19, 2015


Lewis:Me and the class ate hummus and mustard. It tasted like hot, delicious lettuce. It smells like tasty pumpkin pie. It felt like hot crunchy seaweed. It was delicious. 


I loved it. It was crackers and yum creamy sauce. I have never tasted something like that before.. It was not spicy for me at all. I kept on picking out more mustard and putting it on the cracker. It had a crunchie, musty flavor. Caleb hated the flavor with the pumpkin hummus sauce. He only ate the green things after he tried it. 

The taste was delightful. The smell was mustardy and spicy. The cracker was scrumptious. 

Braiden: Scrumptious and Delicious Crackers:
You need crackers, hummus and mustard plants. MMMM Yum. I ate 8 of them. The hummus is orange-ish, the cracker whitish. It tasted a creamy flavour with crunchy cracker.

 Macy: The delicious cracker melted in my mouth and went down into my sloppy throat. The dry, round cracker tasted divine. I swallowed the interesting mustard flavor.

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