Saturday, September 19, 2015

Various Topics: Witches, Fires and Weekends

We are learning to include some amazing adjectives and powerful verbs.
The witch

The evil, ugly, wide eyed witch strolled down the path next to the street. She was so mean looking my mum couldn’t look.
She passed me on my bike just the other day with her big, bulging eyes and wrinkly skin. Just then I saw her skinny arms that looked like sticks. She has a curved, bent back with knobbly teeth.
The ugly, old witch has wrinkly skin, crooked teeth, a sparrow on her gray hair and a grassy green cape. She has wide eyes, a weird look, magical witch hands and a bad grin. Wow! She is creepy.
The woman who was as ugly as a munted cactis came to school. She has wrinkly skin and hands like sticks. She has disgusting grey hair.

Olivia Munro:
The wicked witch.
One day I was playing outside on my trampoline. Just then I heard a noise. It flew down, down, down. It was a wicked witch. She had a pet bird. The bird was as black as a stormy night.
Her eyes were as round as a bouncy ball. Her cape was as green as grass and her hands like mud. She had gray hair. When she eats a crawly her teeth were rotten. She hopped on her broom and zoomed as fast as a scooter.

The ugly witch came to Beachlands school. Her teeth were really dirty like mud. Her hair was as gray as a rainy day. her cloak was muddy, short and green from walking through the mud to school.
She made a short announcement. “The witches will conquer the world if you don’t stop littering.”
Then I just noticed how her spectacular, diamond and ruby eyes glowed. I ran home to tell my Dad and Mum to stop littering. The wrinkly witch appeared in my house. Her beautifully green cape twirled in the burning yellow light.
This time she had her black as night bird. “Arrr.” The bird squawked, “Arrr.” He snapped at me. “Arrr.” I screamed and jumped back and said, “There’s the witch. There’s the witch.”
And then my Dad came.

The wicked woman has arms like sticks. She has a green cape with matching hat. She has grey hair and crooked teeth and shoes that look like hot dogs. She has an ugly face and looks evil and old too.   She is off Brave the movie. I think she makes evil potions.  She has a log house that looks like it will fall down.

 The weekend
Deaglan: In the weekend I went to Nixon’s house for four sleep overs. We played mine craft hunger games. Nixon and I were a team. We were looking for chests with food and dimensions.  We won the hunger games so we had to verse each other. The next day we went ice skating for two hours and felt happy.

In the weekend, my Dad, my Mum, my brother and me were bored. My Dad went off fishing with his mate.
My Mum decided to call my Dad and ask him to bring home a DVD because last Sunday we had watched the Hobbit 1. There was a dragon. It was so so big. There were people that were so quick and they killed heaps of Orks. They are the kind of thing that look like the ground and have a kind of moss all over them.
Orks are baddies and drink dwarf blood. One dwarf gets shot with a bow and arrow and his blood was poisoned. He couldn’t go on the trip. The sun couldn’t set or rise. They couldn’t find the key hole.
It was …

The Fire
 Marika:  “Fire! Fire!” shouted mum.
“Beep, Beep!” shouted the smoke alarm.
“Quick everyone, we need to get out fast.!”
It was the middle of the night. I sleepily ran out fast to our safe meeting place. When everyone was out Mum called 111.
She said “Can I please have the fire service?”
“Yes. You can!”
The fire service came. They put out the fire.
Everybody shouted “ Hooray, hooray, Hooray!”

smoke alarm
magnificent fire
oozing out
running away from the fire

Tamati and sam were sleeping when they heard the high pitched Beep and Tamiti was wondering what it was. Then he saw the smoke and ran out of the room with his dog. When they got out of the room Sam looked at the hallway but Tamati said “No ! We have to go out through the living room because of the smoke.”
When they got out, they ran to the gate because it was the safe meeting place. Their Dad swept Tamati up in a big hug and Sam licked him all over. After that Dad called the fire fighters on his mobile phone. The fire fighters arrived with massive breathing gear and hosed the massive, blowing fire.
When Tamati’s brother and sister got back from camp Mum said she was pleased Tamati was safe.

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